Wednesday 9 March 2011

Chilean recluse (SPIDER)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chilean recluse spider
Scientific classification
Species:L. laeta
Binomial name
Loxosceles laeta
(Nicolet, 1849)
Scytodes laeta
Scytodes rufipes
Scytodes nigella
Omosita bicolor
Loxosceles similis
Loxosceles longipalpis
Loxosceles nesophila
Loxosceles yura
Loxosceles rufipes
The Chilean recluse spider is a venomous spider, Loxosceles laeta, of the family Sicariidae (formerly of the family Loxoscelidae). In Spanish, it (and other South American recluse spiders) is known as araña de rincón, or "corner spider"; in Portuguese, as Aranha-marrom or "brown spider". This spider is considered by many to be the most dangerous of the recluse spiders, and its bite is known to frequently result in severe systemic reactions, including death.


Description and habitat

The Chilean recluse is one of the larger species of recluse spiders, generally ranging from 8–40 mm in size (including legs). Like most recluses, it is brown and usually has markings on the dorsal side of its thorax, with a black line coming from it that looks like a violin with the neck of the violin pointing to the rear of the spider resulting in the nickname "fiddleback spider" or "violin spider" in English-speaking areas. Coloring varies from light tan to brown and the violin marking may not be visible. Since the "violin pattern" is not diagnostic, it is far more important, for purposes of identification, to examine the eyes. Contrary to most spiders, which have 8 eyes, recluse spiders have 6 eyes arranged in pairs (dyads) with one median pair and 2 lateral pairs.
The Chilean recluse spider is native to South America (it is common in Chile, and can be found throughout South America), and can now be found worldwide, including in North and Central America, Finland, and Australia. The spider is known to have established itself in the Los Angeles area, and infestations have been reported in Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Florida.
Like other recluse spiders, the Chilean recluse builds irregular webs that frequently include a shelter consisting of disorderly threads. Unlike most web weavers, they leave these webs at night to hunt. People get bitten when they unintentionally squeeze them in clothing and bedding. These spiders frequently build their webs in woodpiles and sheds, closets, garages, and other places that are dry and generally undisturbed. The spider frequently is found in human dwellings. The spiders can last a long time without food or water , a fact that encourages their worldwide spread.

Medical significance

As indicated by its name, this spider is not aggressive and usually bites only when pressed against human skin, such as when putting on an article of clothing. Like all sicariid spiders, the venom of the Chilean recluse contains the dermonecrotic agent, sphingomyelinase D, which is otherwise found only in a few pathogenic bacteria. According to one study, the venom of the Chilean recluse (along with the six-eyed sand spider), contains an order of magnitude more of this substance than that of other sicariid spiders such as the brown recluse.
Some bites are minor with no necrosis, but a small number produce severe dermonecrotic lesions (cutaneous loxoscelism) or even systemic conditions (viscerocutaneous loxoscelism); sometimes resulting in renal failure and in 3-4% of cases in a clinical study in Chile, death. (For a comparison of the toxicity of several kinds of spider bites, see the list of spiders having medically significant venom.)
The serious bites form a necrotising ulcer that destroys soft tissue and may take months, and very rarely, years to heal, leaving deep scars. The damaged tissue will become gangrenous and eventually slough away. Initially there may be no pain from a bite, but over time the wound may grow to as large as 10 inches (25 cm) in extreme cases. Bites may take up to seven hours to cause visible damage; more serious systemic effects may occur before this time, as venom of any kind spreads throughout the body in minutes. Deaths have been reported for the related South American species.
First aid involves the application of an ice pack to control inflammation, the application of aloe vera to soothe and help control the pain, and prompt medical care. If it can be captured, the spider should be brought with the patient in a clear, tightly closed container for identification. However, by the time the bite is noticed any spider found nearby is not likely to be the culprit.

Ohio State University Fact Sheet
1991 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210

not actual size
Common Name
brown recluse spider Scientific Name
Loxosceles reclusa
Brown Recluse Spider
Susan C. Jones, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Entomology
Extension Specialist, Household & Structural Pests
The brown recluse spider is uncommon in Ohio. Nonetheless, OSU Extension receives numerous spider specimens that homeowners mistakenly suspect to be the brown recluse. Media attention and public fear contribute to these misdiagnoses.
The brown recluse belongs to a group of spiders that is officially known as the "recluse spiders" in the genus Loxosceles (pronounced lox-sos-a-leez). These spiders are also commonly referred to as "fiddleback" spiders or "violin" spiders because of the violin-shaped marking on the top surface of the cephalothorax (fused head and thorax). However, this feature can be very faint depending on the species of recluse spider, particularly those in the southwestern U.S., or how recently the spider has molted.
The common name, brown recluse spider, pertains to only one species, Loxosceles reclusa. The name refers to its color and habits. It is a reclusive creature that seeks and prefers seclusion.

The brown recluse spider and ten additional species of Loxosceles are native to the United States. In addition, a few non-native species have become established in limited areas of the country. The brown recluse spider is found mainly in the central Midwestern states southward to the Gulf of Mexico (see map). Isolated cases in Ohio are likely attributable to this spider occasionally being transported in materials from other states. Although uncommon, there are more confirmed reports of Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse) than the brown recluse in Ohio. It, too, is a human-associated species with similar habits and probably similar venom risks (unverified).

not actual size
Recluse spiders have six eyes that are arranged in pairs.
In the mature brown recluse spider as well as some other species of recluse spiders, the dark violin marking is well defined, with the neck of the violin pointing toward the bulbous abdomen. The abdomen is uniformly colored, although the coloration can range from light tan to dark brown, and is covered with numerous fine hairs that provide a velvety appearance. The long, thin, brown legs also are covered with fine hairs, but not spines. Adult brown recluse spiders have a leg span about the size of a quarter. Their body is about 3/8 inches long and about 3/16 inches wide. Males are slightly smaller in body length than females, but males have proportionally longer legs. Both sexes are venomous. The immature stages closely resemble the adults except for size and a slightly lighter color. Whereas most spiders have eight eyes, recluse spiders have six eyes that are arranged in pairs in a semicircle on the forepart of the cephalothorax (see close-up view). A 10X hand lens or microscope is needed to see this diagnostic feature. In order to determine the exact species of Loxosceles, the spider's genitalia need to be examined under a high-power microscope. This requires the skills of a spider expert.
Life Cycle and Habits
Egg laying primarily occurs from May through July. The female lays about 50 eggs that are encased in an off-white silken sac that is about 2/3-inch diameter. Each female may produce several egg sacs over a period of several months. Spiderlings emerge from the egg sac in about a month or less. Their development is slow and is influenced by weather conditions and food availability. It takes an average of one year to reach the adult stage from time of egg deposit. Adult brown recluse spiders often live about one to two years. They can survive long periods of time (about 6 months) without food or water.
The brown recluse spider spins a loose, irregular web of very sticky, off-white to grayish threads. This web serves as the spider's daytime retreat, and it often is constructed in an undisturbed corner. This spider roams at night searching for insect prey. Recent research at the University of Kansas indicates that the brown recluse spider is largely a scavenger, preferring dead insects. Mature males also roam in search of females.
Brown recluse spiders generally occupy dark, undisturbed sites, and they can occur indoors or outdoors. In favorable habitats, their populations are usually dense. They thrive in human-altered environments. Indoors, they may be found in attics, basements, crawl spaces, cellars, closets, and ductwork or registers. They may seek shelter in storage boxes, shoes, clothing, folded linens, and behind furniture. They also may be found in outbuildings such as barns, storage sheds, and garages. Outdoors, brown recluse spiders may be found underneath logs, loose stones in rock piles, and stacks of lumber.
The brown recluse spider is not aggressive, and it normally bites only when crushed, handled or disturbed. Some people have been bitten in bed after inadvertently rolling over onto the spider. Others have been bitten after accidentally touching the spider when cleaning storage areas. Some bites occur when people put on seldom used clothing or shoes inhabited by a brown recluse.
Bite Symptoms
The physical reaction to a brown recluse spider bite depends on the amount of venom injected and an individual's sensitivity to it. Some people are unaffected by a bite, whereas others experience immediate or delayed effects as the venom kills the tissues (necrosis) at the site of the bite. Many brown recluse bites cause just a little red mark that heals without event. The vast majority of brown recluse bites heal without severe scarring (
Initially, the bite may feel like a pinprick or go unnoticed. Some may not be aware of the bite for 2 to 8 hours. Others feel a stinging sensation followed by intense pain. Infrequently, some victims experience general systemic reactions that may include restlessness, generalized itching, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or shock. A small white blister usually initially rises at the bite site surrounded by a swollen area. The affected area enlarges and becomes red, and the tissue is hard to the touch for some time. The lesion from a brown recluse spider bite is a dry, blue-gray or blue-white, irregular sinking patch with ragged edges and surrounding redness--termed the "red, white, and blue sign." The lesion usually is 1½ inches by 2¾ inches or smaller. Characteristics of a bite are further discussed at
The bite of the brown recluse spider can result in a painful, deep wound that takes a long time to heal. Fatalities are extremely rare, but bites are most dangerous to young children, the elderly, and those in poor physical condition. When there is a severe reaction to the bite, the site can erupt into a "volcano lesion" (a hole in the flesh due to damaged, gangrenous tissue). The open wound may range from the size of an adult's thumbnail to the span of a hand. The dead tissue gradually sloughs away, exposing underlying tissues. The sunken, ulcerating sore may heal slowly up to 6 to 8 weeks. Full recovery may take several months and scarring may remain.
It is difficult for a physician to accurately diagnose a "brown recluse bite" based simply on wound characteristics. It is absolutely necessary to have the spider for a positive identification. Necrotic wounds can result from a variety of agents such as bacteria (Staphylococcus, "flesh-eating" Streptococcus, etc.), viruses, fungi, and arthropods (non-recluse spiders, centipedes, mites, ticks, wasps, bedbugs, kissing bugs, biting flies, etc.). Necrotic conditions also can be caused by vascular and lymphatic disorders, drug reactions, underlying diseases states, and a variety of other agents. An annotated list of conditions that could be mistaken for a brown recluse spider bite is available at Misdiagnosis of lesions as brown recluse bites can delay appropriate care.
First Aid
If bitten, remain calm, and immediately seek medical attention (contact your physician, hospital and/or poison control center). Apply an ice pack directly to the bite area to relieve swelling and pain. Collect the spider (even a mangled specimen has diagnostic value), if possible, for positive identification by a spider expert. A plastic bag, small jar, or pill vial is useful and no preservative is necessary, but rubbing alcohol helps to preserve the spider.
An effective commercial antivenin is not available. The surgical removal of tissue was once standard procedure, but now this is thought to slow down wound healing. Some physicians administer high doses of cortisone-type hormones to combat hemolysis and other systemic complications. Treatment with oral dapsone (an antibiotic used mainly for leprosy) has been suggested to reduce the degree of tissue damage. However, an effective therapy has not yet been found in controlled studies.
Control of indoor infestations of the brown recluse spider can take a long time (6 months or more) and can be difficult because humans have a very low tolerance for this pest, it tends to be widely dispersed within infested buildings, and it seeks secluded sites. Control of spiders, including the brown recluse, is best achieved by following an integrated pest management (IPM) approach. IPM involves using multiple approaches such as preventive measures, exclusion, sanitation, trapping, and chemical treatment when necessary.
Preventing spider bites
Shake out clothing and shoes before getting dressed.
Inspect bedding and towels before use.
Wear gloves when handling firewood, lumber, and rocks (be sure to inspect the gloves for spiders before putting them on).
Remove bedskirts and storage boxes from underneath beds. Move the bed away from the wall.
Exercise care when handling cardboard boxes (recluse spiders often are found in the space under folded cardboard flaps).
Install tight-fitting screens on windows and doors; also install door sweeps.
Seal or caulk cracks and crevices where spiders can enter the house.
Install yellow or sodium vapor light bulbs outdoors since these attract fewer insects for spiders to feed upon.
Tape the edges of cardboard boxes to prevent spider entry.
Use plastic bags (sealed) to store loose items in the garage, basement, and attic.
Remove trash, old boxes, old clothing, wood piles, rock piles, and other unwanted items.
Eliminate clutter in closets, basements, attics, garages, and outbuildings.
Do not stack wood against the house.
Clean up dead insects that the brown recluse spider can feed on.
Non-chemical control
Use sticky traps or glueboards to capture spiders.
Dust and vacuum thoroughly to remove spiders, webs, and egg sacs (dispose of the vacuum bag in a container outdoors).
Use a rolled up newspaper or fly swatter to kill individual spiders.
There are many labeled pesticides for spider control. Some are labeled for homeowner use, while others are labeled only for the licensed, certified pesticide applicator. It would be prudent to enlist the services of a professional pest management company when dealing with an indoor infestation of the brown recluse spider.
Research indicates that recently developed pyrethroids (e.g., cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, etc.) are particularly effective against brown recluse spiders. Wettable powders and microencapsuled "slow-release" formulations of these chemicals provide residual activity and are preferable to using emulsion-type sprays. Insecticide treatments should be applied so that the chemical contacts as many spiders and webs as possible. Residual liquid sprays should be applied to the outside perimeter of the home (including under eaves, patios, and decks; behind window shutters), baseboards, undisturbed corners, and other suspected spider harborages. Residual dusts should be applied to voids and inaccessible areas where spiders may hide. Aerosol flushing agents such as pyrethrins, though ineffective by themselves in providing control, can cause spiders to move about so that they contact treated surfaces.
Click here for PDF version of this Fact Sheet.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
All educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, disability or Vietnam-era veteran status.
Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Ag. Adm. and Director, OSU Extension.
TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868


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      Hello my name is Lauren i'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Priest Ade who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Priest Ade can help you too Email him at or



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      Hello my name is Lauren i'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Priest Ade who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Priest Ade can help you too Email him at or



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    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Dr. Sam has really made me so much believe in him by getting me cured with his herbal treatment. i really appreciate you Dr.Sam for bringing back happiness to my life again. thanks you so much,friends join me to thank him for what he has actually done for me i pray to you all for a good life and good health, and most especially to you Dr. Sam THANKS.

      I have been suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few months ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the cure of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by this Man Dr Sam and she drop the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Sam telling him about my (HERPES Virus) well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me. I am now here to testify that i am not longer a herpes patient, I have experience a total transformation in my life,for all herpes patients get your herbal medicine to cure your sickness. And there has being rapid improvement in my health, I no longer feel pains and I wake up each morning feeling revived. So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all,you can contact him. {} Wbesite:
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  2. Here is my testimony on how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with
    the herbal medicine of DR ISIBOR, i have been suffering from this disease for
    the past 2 years and 7 month without solution until i came across the email
    of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i
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    just because of these diseases so you can email him on or you can also whatsapp him on +2347036905929

  3. Hello everyone, I was infected with the herpes virus and I got cured of the herpes virus few months ago after i contacted Dr Ero. I saw a post on the internet after i have seek healing for several years from different doctors in California. I sent the Doctor a request for help, just a few email i followed his instruction and he sent me the medication after i paid him. Now i am negative and i referred him to all my friend who had this same sickness and they have gotten their cure too. You can contact him via his email. . Thank You Dr Ero and text me for further information (650) 653-8578..

  4. I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the herbal world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Herbs had a cure to the Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua(A powerful African Herbal Doctor), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that negative,Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetis,Fribroid, Dercum,fibromyalgia,Get Your Ex Back,Als,SYPHILLIS. You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Herbal Doctor via this e-mail: or call and whatsapp him on +2348149277967 He will help you and his herb medication is sure. he has the cure on all disease .You can talk to me on INSTAGRAM..tashamoore219....

  5. My life is beautiful thanks to you, Mein Helfer. Lord Jesus in my life as a candle light in the darkness. You showed me the meaning of faith with your words. I know that even when I cried all day thinking about how to recover, you were not sleeping, you were dear to me. I contacted the herbal center Dr Itua, who lived in West Africa. A friend of mine here in Hamburg is also from Africa. She told me about African herbs but I was nervous. I am very afraid when it comes to Africa because I heard many terrible things about them because of my Christianity. god for direction, take a bold step and get in touch with him in the email and then move to WhatsApp, he asked me if I can come for treatment or I want a delivery, I told him I wanted to know him I buy ticket in 2 ways to Africa To meet Dr. Itua, I went there and I was speechless from the people I saw there. Patent, sick people. Itua is a god sent to the world, I told my pastor about what I am doing, Pastor Bill Scheer. We have a real battle beautifully with Spirit and Flesh. Adoration that same night. He prayed for me and asked me to lead. I spent 2 weeks and 2 days in Africa at Dr Itua Herbal Home. After the treatment, he asked me to meet his nurse for the HIV test when I did it. It was negative, I asked my friend to take me to another nearby hospital when I arrived, it was negative. I was overwhite with the result, but happy inside of me. We went with Dr. Itua, I thank him but I explain that I do not have enough to show him my appreciation, that he understands my situation, but I promise that he will testify about his good work. Thank God for my dear friend, Emma, I know I could be reading this now, I want to thank you. And many thanks to Dr. Itua Herbal Center. He gave me his calendar that I put on my wall in my house. Dr. Itua can also cure the following diseases ... Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Inflammatory Liver, Diabetis, Fribroid,Parkinson's disease,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Fibromyalgia, recover your ex. You can contact him by email or whatsapp, @ .., phone number .. + 2348149277967 .. He is a good doctor, talk to him kindly. I'm sure he will also listen to you.

  6. Hello every one out here....
    My name is Randy Laura, I'm from North Carolina USA. i want to use this opportunity to thank my great spell caster who really made my life a pleasurable today. This great man PRIEST WISDOM brought my husband back to me, i had three lovely kids for my husband, about four years ago i and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and dumped her. she told me that mine was a small case and that i should not worry about it at all, so i asked her what was the solution to my problems and she gave me this great man email address. i was doubting if this man was the solution, so i contacted this great man and he told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day and that my husband will come crawling on his kneels just for forgiveness so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great surprise i saw him on his kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are happy.that's why i want to say a big thank you to PRIEST WISDOM . This great man made me to understand that there is no problem on earth that has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this great man. you can email him at: And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2348124644470 Thanks PRIEST WISDOM

    My father of 48 years of age got cured from ALS permanently, he was diagnosed at the age of 33 years and he have been on a sick bed for many years,he recently got cured with natural herbal treatment from Dr Oseiboh the traditional herbalist healer. I'm so happy that my father can now live a normal life with me again after many years he suffered from ALS all thanks to Dr Oseiboh, my father is now free from this deadly disease called ALS, if you are passing through the same problem you can contact him via his email you should know about his natural herbal treatment, Dr Oseiboh email is been attached to my post reach him for help or whatsapp him or call him through his phone number +2347017565415.
    He can also solve problem like dis
    DIABETES type 1 and type 2
    HPV 123


    Dr.Omohan herbal medicine is a good remedy for HPV WARTS , I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HPV WARTS cure and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr.Omohan cure them from HPV WARTS, I decided to contact, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr.Omohan herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr.Omohan, reach him on WHATSAPP HIM VIA +2348164816038.

  9. I was suffering from Warts Simplex Virus, i was totally depressed due to my predicament , until i meet Dr Nana the great Traditional healer who cured me. you can also contact him now on whatsapp +2347014784614.or via email:on drnanaherbalsolutionhome@gmail .com for more information.

    I was suffering from Warts Simplex Virus, i was totally depressed due to my predicament , until i meet Dr Nana the great Traditional healer who cured me. you can also contact him now on whatsapp +2347014784614.or via email:on drnanaherbalsolutionhome@gmail .com for more information.

  10. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got my Genital Herpes cured a month ago. i have been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr .Agbonhale, but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr. Agbonhale , then i contacted him through his email when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he healed me just as he promised. he sent me his medication and ask me to go for check up after one weeks of taking the medication. i agreed with him i took this medication and went for check up a , to my greatest surprise my result was negative after the treatment, i am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. so i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, Cancer reach him through Email OR add on whatsapp +2349073130326.

  11. Getting Cured of Herpes Once And For All Pls Pardon Me I Just Want To Tell You all About This Great Herbal Doctor Base On Experience
    Herpes is the most common viral infection. Any sexually active person can get this virus from an infected partner. Are you also a herpes victim ? If yes, you should start the treatment as soon as possible. If you have cold sores on mouth and lips, you can try [Dr.IYARBIYE Herbal Medicine]. Herpes can cause blisters in genital parts also, so, call him on Mobile +2349050141440/whatsapp] he is the best option to get Rid of Herpes Virus disease or any sexually transmitted disease fast Email Dr.IYARBIYE on his mail [DR.IYARBIYEHERBALHOME@GMAIL.COM]... or call +2349050141440../whats-app him} . i was once an herpes patient +[POSITIVE] for long after taking Antiviral medicines, such as acyclovir(Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex), recommended for treating primary genital herpes outbreaks but when i started using DR.IYARBIYE HERBAL HERBS MEDICINE i was cured -[NEGATIVE] permanently Completely so iam posting this to help those i can and also thanking DR.IYARBIYE for his job well done in my life and to tell the world about his herbal medicine ::God bless you Sir

  12. God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on writng and posting testimonies about you on the Internet, I was a HERPES patient, I saw a post on blog on how Dr. BEN cured someone, I contacted him and also got my healing, kindly email him now on ( or His Whatsapp number: +2348151642717...thank you my great Dr BEN CAN AS WELL CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASE:- HIV/AIDS HERPES CANCER////

  13. My problem with herpes has caused me many traumas, especially in my sex life. I was so afraid of infecting my Boyfriend, suffered the embarrassment of visiting dermatologists queries hundreds of times. Unfortunately, they did not find a definitive solution to my problem.The solution came from the least expected place By reading in a specialized forum on the subject, mentioned a method for eliminating herpes. Many people had tried, with excellent and quick results.I had nothing to lose so I decided to use this method to eliminate my herpes. spent Two weeks using this method and my herpes completely disappeared. I recommend this method to all people who want to eliminate the herpes from your body forever, contact.

    My problem with herpes has caused me many traumas, especially in my sex life. I was so afraid of infecting my Boyfriend, suffered the embarrassment of visiting dermatologists queries hundreds of times. Unfortunately, they did not find a definitive solution to my problem.The solution came from the least expected place By reading in a specialized forum on the subject, mentioned a method for eliminating herpes. Many people had tried, with excellent and quick results.I had nothing to lose so I decided to use this method to eliminate my herpes. spent Two weeks using this method and my herpes completely disappeared. I recommend this method to all people who want to eliminate the herpes from your body forever, contact.

    1. i already gave up on ever getting cured of HSV2 because i have try many treatment none of them work out for me i have go to different hospital they always tell me same thing there is no cure for herpes when i came across a post about Dr AZIEGBE, in the net from a lady called Angela i contacted him and he reassured me with him herbal medicine which i took according to the way he instructed, that how i was cured. I doubted at first because i have been to a whole lot of reputable doctors, tried a lot of medicines but none was able to cure me. so i decided to listen to him and he commenced treatment, and under two weeks i was totally fee from #Herpes. i want to say a very big thank you to DR AZIEGBE for what he has done in my life. feel free to leave him a message on email DRAZIEGBE1SPELLHOME@GMAIL. COM and also WhatsApp him +2349035465208..
      He can still be able to help you with this herbs medicine:

  14. God bless DR EKPEN for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr EKPEN, how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine within 3days. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 18days later i was cured from HERPES contact him via email once again thanks to you Dr EKPEN. cure the flowing virus, contact his email or add him on whatsapp +2349069921316
    He also told me that he can cure the following diseases:
    cancer cure
    diabetes cure
    ringing ear
    herpes cure
    warts cure
    HPV cure
    HIV cure
    get your ex back
    pregnancy herbal medicine
    prostate enlargement

  15. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is the causative pathogen of genital herpes and is closely associated with the occurrence of cervical cancer and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The absence of an effective vaccine and the emergence of drug resistance to commonly used nucleoside analogs emphasize the urgent need for alternative antivirals against HSV-2. Recently, ABMA [1-adamantyl (5-bromo-2-methoxybenzyl) amine] has been demonstrated to be an inhibitor of several pathogens exploiting host-vesicle transport, which also participates in the HSV-2 DR EKPEN a true herbal healer now for you restoration email or whatsapp or call +2349069921316

  16. I'm tom kingsley,USA.It's been a while since I've
    written to thank Dr OHIKHOBO who helped me in my
    life. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2016, i went to many
    hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I
    get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day my Aunt Rosa
    introduce me to Doctor OHIKHOBO having seen so many testimony online
    about his herbal medication to cure HERPES and gave me his , so i mail him. He told me all the
    things I need to do and also give me instructions to follow, which I
    followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after one weeks the
    HERPES that was in my body got vanished. so if you are you are having
    herpes or any kind of disease listed below
    and you also want cure, you can also email him and call him or whatsapp him via +2348103601042

  17. Hello everyone, I want use this opportunity share some thought about GENITAL HERPES in case you have someone suffering from it, my thought on this, is that you can get some herbs that can cure this disease, I have seen it work and I'm confident to recommend it to you today and to get the herbs for GENITAL HERPES contact Dr Ekpen via: ( or via whatsapp +2347050270218

    It was like the world was crushing down on me when i was diagnosed of hsv1&2. To me it was the end of the road. it became more frustrating was i began to loose my love, respect from my friends and family members, the virus was very tough but the stigma was much more tougher. I cried out my life all night and day because the virus,, pain and humiliation was too much for me to live with so i planned of taking my life and i tried twice and failed, God use my elder brother to save me because he wanted me to be inspiration to those who think there is nothing left for them to live with. My brother thought me to always thank God in any circumstance and i have live like that until God decided to show me mercy by healing me using the man behind this email: or add him on whatsapp +2348119278442 Dr Okougbe is great. If you happen to be a victim of this frustrating virus, see me as an inspiration. i trusted in God and everything worked out for my good so i expect you to do same. and if you are among those who stigmatize people living with one ailment or the other, it's time to show them love knowing that they were once clean like you and bad situation can befall anybody, so treat them with respect because they are someone's mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, e.t.c. Above all, try to stay safe from STDs/ STIs, be careful. thanks

  19. Hello everyone i Am williams pater and i am from USA i am here to give my testimony about an herbal doctor called Dr,olu I was heartbroken because i had very small penis,not nice to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but could not offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to email him on his email i saw on the internet,( ) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal product for Penis Enlargement, Within three weeks of me use it, i began to feel the enlargement, " and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 8 inches longer, and i had to settle thing out with my ex girlfriend , i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my performance in bed and i now have a large penis.thanks to DR OLU for is herbal product. you can also reach him with emsil though is..number WHATASPP him today on this number [ +2348140654426 ]

  20. Hello everybody, I just want to give this great testimony to the whole public about a great man who help me out in a serious illness. I have HSV-1 AND HSV-2 DISEASE for good 2 years now and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the illness. All I have in my mind is, let me just give up because life is not interesting for me any longer and i also pray that God should accept my soul when ever I’m gone luckily for me, my kid sister run to me that she found a doctor in the INTERNET who can cure HSV-1 AND HSV-2 DISEASE. She helped me out in everything, the man asked for my details so he can prepare a herbal medicine for me. After he was done consulting on my details he told me how my medicine will be prepare, after he was done preparing my medicine he sent me my medication and after using it for 7 days i later started noticing something different in my blood so I went for my HSV-1 AND HSV-2 DISEASE test and I was tested Negative, I’m so happy that I can say I’m not patient of HSV-1 AND HSV-2 anymore. If you have HSV-1 AND HSV-2 or any sickness,HIV/AID,HPV,CANCER,HEPATITS B DIABETITS ALS,PENIS ENLARGEMNT please for your safety, contact DR.HAZIM VIA email address ( or whats APP number+2349058026857

    I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was Sicking of
    breast cancer and her name is Robert Jane, I and my family have taking
    her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided
    to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I
    find a lady called Sarah peter she was testifies to the world about
    the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all
    kind of disease and the herbal email was there. So I decided to
    contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast
    cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I
    should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that
    there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it
    and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I
    receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me
    That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
    transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid
    for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the
    courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to,
    before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a
    dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very
    happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5
    million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad,but I don't know why he did not accept the offer,he only said
    I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now
    here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any
    kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or WhatsApp him +2347067393105, website:> message him on instragram dr.ogididan for the cure, he will help you out
    with any problems you have.To get more information you can message me via email

  22. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius, call/whats-App Contact Number +918929509036 via email:( Thank you.

  23. Hello, I just wanted to mention I have not had an outbreak of HSV 2 for almost 3 years now (since the first year I got it). When I first contacted it (did go to doctor and got confirmed) I had a couple outbreaks that year (very painful) and then no outbreaks ever again. Like I said it has been almost tow years. The only thing I can think I did was I used essential oil applications on my sacrum. I did take anti viral meds the doctor gave me for a couple weeks after the first outbreak to take care of the acute symptoms (I didn’t take them for the 2nd outbreak later that year and now this happened in my life I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS patient in the world i never believed that there could be any complete cure for Herpes or any cure for herpes,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how Dr.okougbe herbal cure and sent to them and they were cured. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the herpes the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain, and i have just went for text last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any herpes on my system. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Dr.okougbe I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true, Here is his Email OR whatsapp him on +2348119278442...

  24. Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

  25. Am here to testify of the miraculous work of a great traditional doctor called DR. Osasu..I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr. Osasu the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr. Osasu cure her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so' people out there kindly contact this great doctor on his email address please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine .once more contact him now +2347064365391 Dr. Osasu can prepare Herbal medicine for all kind of disease. HIV. CANCER. HEPATITIS B .DIABETES. COLD SORES. Syphilis. HBV, HPV, STD's And many more.
    contact Dr. JOHN to get your CURED EMAIL>> OR CONTACT WHATSAPP +2347064365391

  26. Am here to testify of the miraculous work of a great traditional doctor called DR. Osasu..I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr. Osasu the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr. Osasu cure her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so' people out there kindly contact this great doctor on his email address please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine .once more contact him now +2347064365391 Dr. Osasu can prepare Herbal medicine for all kind of disease. HIV. CANCER. HEPATITIS B .DIABETES. COLD SORES. Syphilis. HBV, HPV, STD's And many more.
    contact Dr. JOHN to get your CURED EMAIL>> OR CONTACT WHATSAPP +2347064365391


  27. i have been suffering from HIV over 3 years of my marriage and it was really difficult and heartbreaking for me because the symptoms were very terrible and difficult for me, i search for cure, went to different hospital but still no hope until i saw a testimonies of someone who cure of HIV by Dr destiny i took the chance to contact the Dr destiny who have the natural cure to HIV, he assure me of his herbal medication which i listen to his advice and i bought his herbal medication and i used it as instructed by the Dr destiny, in a month time i went to the hospital for scan and they confirm that there is no trace or sign of HIV in me and now am happy and gladly with my family. contact Dr destiny for more information and advice contact him via email or you can also call him on +2348130871253 or whatsapp +2348078275203

  28. Greetings to the general public, i want to give a testimony about how i was cured of HIV/AIDS disease by a Doctor UDI I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy or latest treatment on HIV and i saw many comment of people talking about how Doctor UDI cured their HIV/AIDS. I Was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i having no hope of been cured of HIV/AIDS so i decided to contact him with his email that was listed on the comment ( ) when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HIV result came out negative. I pray for you Dr UDI God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and grate man. Am so happy today, you can also contact him if you have any problem Email: ( )) tel or via what-app: +2348051243538


  29. Banner Design Service is a focusing fact for any kinds of business institutions. Banner show your products identity which is provided by you. Manage your banner design service creatively by any professional designer to highlight your products. Creative banner grabs your customer’s attention.

  30. Permit me to quickly use this medium to tell you the spell caster that saved my marriage. My Wife dumped me 8 months ago after I caught her of having an affair with someone else and insulting me. I want her back in my life but she refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do even thought of committing suicide, so when i was on Facebook i came across a post and it was a testimony on how a spell caster (Dr Iyoha) help them to get their ex's back so I contact the spell caster (Dr Iyoha) and explain my problems to him... He cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex wife will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my wife came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back, Once again thank you for helping me to get my love back and your love spell is truly perfect, you are truly talented and gifted i will continue to publish your name on the net because of the good work you are doing and i know there are so many people out there that needs your help. I will drop you the phone number of this powerful herbal doctor just in case you wish to contact him for help call his number +(407) 337-9869 or


    1. hepatitis B
    4. HIV/AIDS
    8. ASEPSIS
    9. CANCER

  31. Natural Herbs have cured so many sickness and diseases that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. i read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of Herpes,Stroke,Hiv,gonorrhoea, Diabetics,Cancer,Lyme disease etc by Dr. Ameola herbal medicine, so i decided to contact the doctor because i know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with Herpes for the past 8 years but Dr. Ameola cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from Hiv and they were cured too. I know is hard to believe, but am a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. He is also a spell caster, he cast spells to restore broken marriages and a good luck spells to prosper and excel in life. You can Contact him on ( ) or WhatsApp him via +14158551136

  32. Dr. Iyabiye is a herbal specialist he treat/cure HEPATITIS and CIRRHOSIS and other deadly diseases. My name is Russel and I was ones a victim of chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis, I got cured with his medication and I am safe and free now. I am testifying to his great work so that you too can be safe from hepatitis or any life threatening disease. His contacts are: Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

  33. i already gave up on ever getting cured of HSV2 because i have try many treatment none of them work out for me i have go to different hospital they always tell me same thing there is no cure for herpes when i came across a post about Dr AZIEGBE, in the net from a lady called Angela i contacted him and he reassured me with him herbal medicine which i took according to the way he instructed, that how i was cured. I doubted at first because i have been to a whole lot of reputable doctors, tried a lot of medicines but none was able to cure me. so i decided to listen to him and he commenced treatment, and under two weeks i was totally fee from #Herpes. i want to say a very big thank you to DR AZIEGBE for what he has done in my life. feel free to leave him a message on email DRAZIEGBE1SPELLHOME@GMAIL. COM and also WhatsApp him +2349035465208..
    He can still be able to help you with this herbs medicine:

  34. Hello all my viewers in the world Its a pleasure for me to shere this testimony about this wonderful things that happened to me last week, have be suffering disease call warts for the past 1 years in my nude i can show anyone it was very difficult for me to show until one day reading so-many post of some people who were cured of Warts, but i never believed them, I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try dr. clement then i contacted him on his when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out, its a great success that he healed just as he promised, he told me that in three days time that i should go and check on my Warts status, I was floored that when i went to the hospital to check of my status that i was Warts negative, i never thought possible that dr. clement can do miracles, i never really believed in magic but I played along with a little hope and faith and after everything but dr clement changed my life and made me a true believer you can contact him on or whats-app +2347051758952. so he can help you out. he said that he is also specialize on the following diseases:
    Dr.Dr.clement can also cure all kind of disease with herbal medicine like
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. HERPES simplex
    4.wining of lotto
    5. Hepatitis A,B,C
    6. Diabetes
    8 getting your ex back
    9 penis enlargement

  35. Hi Friends i am so glad to writing this article today to tell the world how Dr Emmanuel cured my HSV VIRUS,i have been detected with HSV-1 AND HSV-2 since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete bizarre and agony,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HSV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain,until a certain i was checking for solution in the internet,then miraculously came across Dr Emmanuel the powerful herbalist that cure numerous individuals HSV-1 AND HSV-2 INFECTION,then i contacted his whatsApp number at +2348140073965 or email: i explained everything to him and prepared a cure that cure my HSV-1 AND HSV-2 disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why wait and be suffer when there is someone like Dr Emmanuel that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS B VIRUS, you can contact his via : or WHATSAPP +2348140073965 GOD BLESS YOU ALL?

  36. I was diagnose with human papilloma virus (HPV) 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Onokun for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i sheared this post because its part of my life experience, encase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr Onokun via,

  37. God bless Dr. Momoh for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HIV since 2010 and I was
    taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed
    to get the HIV.out of my system, I searched about
    some possible cure for HIV i saw a comment about, how he cured HIV with his herbal
    medicine, I contacted him and he guided me.I
    asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my
    health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED
    POST.I took the medicine as prescribed by him
    and 14 days later i was cured from HIV, thank you so much and you are the one that God sent to change my miserable life, you the almighty god be with you all the days of your life, so my brothers and sisters we cancontact him on this email or whatsapp him on +2347083724098 Dr momoh ONCE AGAIN
    Dr momoh he also told me that he can cure the flowing virus,
    1 cancer cure
    2 diabetes cure
    3 ringing ear
    4 herpes cure
    5 warts cure
    6 HPV cure
    7 get your ex back
    8 pregnancy herbal medicine
    9 prostate enlargement
    10 Hepatitis B

  38. How can i ever stop saying thank you to Dr Movo, After taking his product today my sexual life is health and balance am living up to my wife expectation. For the past 11 years i have been struggling with weak erection and premature ejaculation. I have spend money on it but no cure until i took this product from Dr Movo just within few days i got cured. for his products contact him email or WhatsApp/Call +2347061865209.

  39. I was diagnose with human papilloma virus (HPV) 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Onokun for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i sheared this post because its part of my life experience, encase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr Onokun via,

  40. I was diagnose with human papilloma virus (HPV) 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Onokun for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i sheared this post because its part of my life experience, encase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr Onokun via,

  41. Hello my brother and sisters,am here to share my testimony on how I finally join the Illuminati hood and became rich , I tried all my possible best to become a member of the hood but I was scam several times , before I finally come across a testimony on Net so I contacted the agent , I was so afraid that he will ask me for lot of money before I can join the hood but to my greatest surprise he only ask me to obtain the pot of riches which I did and today, am so happy to say to the world that am one of the richest by having the sum of $ 360 millions dollars in my personal account as a new member in Africa and am also known all over the world with the business given to me by the Illuminati and also have power to do that which I want . .. ... I know so many people may be on my lane also looking for help Get in tough with our Lord superiors whatsapp him on +2349067603777
    Remember only serious people should contact remember no going back. 6.6.6.....

  42. Are you looking for a loan company capable of meeting your financial needs?
    we offer user friendly services that meets your business and private needs. with just an interest rate of 2% we give you access to different categories of loans($50,000 -$100,000) to tuition loans to car loans to mortgage to vacation loans($20,000 -$2,000). contact us now and get you loan decision within five minutes and your loan approval and disbursal of funds within 24 us at

  43. My Name is Dr sebi you can Contact Me via Email For Penis Enlargement Product to help
    you get as long as 8inches Long with good Erection. Contact Me Via Email : Via WhatsApp: +2347010538590

  44. Read Up My Story Today as my story is a very special and unique one as is not like the numerous advert you always see online and also I want to be 100% sincere and truthful to you that there can never be any other online spell caster that can help you bring back your EX BACK to you other than DR OSCAR DILAN as he alone is 100% effective,dynamic and very reliable as 99.9% of other spell casters are not for real and can never help you solve your problems at all instead they will complicate your present condition OK SO BE WISE AND ALSO BE WARNED AND CONTACT DR OSCAR DILAN TODAY... MY OWN LIFE STORY / EXPERIENCES IS BELOW:

    My Name is Mark Kelvin, From USA. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr OSCAR DILAN has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex WIFE to me with his great spell, I was married to this woman called Sharon we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to make her pregnant for me and also give her al she needs she left me and told me she can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get her back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email: OR OR .... YOU CAN USE ANY OF THE EMAILS TO CONTACT HIM as you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost WIFE back, and after a month she became pregnant for me because he gave me some herbs to take also and when she went for a test and the result stated that she was pregnant am happy today am a FATHER of a baby girl, thank you once again the great DR OSCAR DILAN for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child/PREGNANCY SPELL.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
    yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
    (10)Stop Divorce
    (12) Winning of lottery
    (13) Cure To Hiv/Aids



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    Hello to All across the globe, I am Martha Loiussa, currently living in NEW YORK now, USA. I am a widow at the moment with 2 kids and I was stuck in a financial situation in April 2018 and I needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not fall prey to those hoodlums out there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I meet Mr ELLIOT OLIVE the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr ELLIOT OLIVE if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… ( OR OR ) No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr ELLIOT OLIVE today for your loan

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    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Mr ELLIOT OLIVE loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Martha Loiussa direct you Good Luck.... HS EMAIL IS : OR OR .

  47. I am from united states of america, I want to testify of how i got cured of HIV, I got infected with HIV disease in 2018, visited several herbalists, spiritualists and pastors for cure but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end until,i searched google and read about possible cures to get cured of hiv. i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal spell home,DR OSCAR DILAN HERBAL TEMPLE,A temple that cures all kinds of deadly diseases including HIV AIDS, ALS, MND, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Ghonorhea etc, at first i got shocked,but when i read the temple's name again i thought of giving them a try because i so much believe in achieving what you desire. when i contacted this herbal spell home via email,he prepared a herbal spell portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal spell portion, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply them, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly disease within 7days, I am now HIV Negative (-) all thanks to Achievers temple . Contact this great herbal spell home, CONTACT HIM NOW: OR OR .... YOU CAN USE ANY OF THE EMAILS...YOU CAN ALSO ADD HIM UP ON WHATSAPP USING THIS MOBILE NUMBER:+2348077526136

  48. I am here to give my testimony about Dr OSCAR DILAN who helped me in my life, I want to inform the public how I was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr OSCAR DILAN,I visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and I saw comment of people talking about how Dr OSCAR DILAN cured them. when I contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that I took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out NEGATIVE. I pray for you Dr.OSCAR DILAN am cured now and you can also get your self cured .... My friends if you really need my doctor help, you can reach him now: OR OR .... YOU CAN USE ANY OF THE EMAILS... as his is a very reliable doctor to work with...YOU CAN ALSO ADD HIM UP ON WHATSAPP USING THIS MOBILE NUMBER:+2348077526136

  49. Now You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection… Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless! My husband said he no longer loved me at the end of January this year and i was hurt and heart broken i felt like my life was about to end and I almost committed suicide, I was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr OSCAR DILAN, which I meet online, on one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet and I came across a lot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. I also come across one particular testimony and it was about a woman called Tracey Hilton, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr OSCAR DILAN mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try and I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48 hours, my husband came back to me and we solved our issues, we are even happier than before. Dr OSCAR DILAN is really a gifted man and I will not stop testifying about him because he is a wonderful man and so powerful... If you have any problem and you are looking for solution to solve all your problems. Great Dr OSCAR DILAN can also offer any types of help like Reuniting of marriage and relationship, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, Spiritual protection,winning of lottery and lot's more. you can contact him on Email: OR OR .... YOU CAN USE ANY OF THE EMAILS....... YOU CAN ALSO ADD HIM UP ON WHATSAPP USING THIS MOBILE NUMBER:+2348077526136, if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you.

  50. Have you been looking for a way to be Rich
    Famous and also be popular in life this is your
    chance, Are you a business-man or woman,
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    the great Illuminati so that you can achieve your
    dreams we have benefits giving to new members
    of the great Illuminati brother hood which is to
    receive 10,000,000,00 USD{dollars} in a week this
    is the way to make your life better in life via ID
    on whatsapp us via: .(+2348118045617)....

  51. Life has not been so easy for me, i almost gave up on getting cured of HSV2 because i have tried many treatment and still don't work for me, so i was going place to place just for me to search for herbs cure or any solution to my problem and i also have three kids to take care of, that same period my husband die in an accident on it way coming home so life was very tough for me, so when i was going through the herbs site to find a cure for my problem i saw a story about a lady testify about DR.Imoudu, so i said to my self let me give a try to see if my problem can be solved, because i have spend alot of money In the hospital and their was no cure for it, so i contacted DR.Imoudu that afternoon of it and he gave me instruction how i will go about it and he sent me a herbal medicine which I took according to the way he instructed me to do. After taking the medicine for two weeks i saw a changes on my body, then i called the Dr and told him about it and he said i should go for test. i can't believe when my result came out it was negative, i was very happy to share this great testimony to the world there is real cure for #herpes you can also contact DR.Imoudu Email: DR.IMOUDUHEALERTEMPLE@GMAIL. COM also WhatsApp him +2348109609753..
    He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases;

  52. Health wise, I feel like a child dancing in the rain ever since I got cured of hepatitis. I was diagnosed of HEPATITIS B and I was told it has no cure at the hospital, but I was given several antiviral medications to slow the virus’s ability to damage liver. But after sometime the medicine wasn't working and I became very sick with different symptoms like: vomiting, fatigue, dark urine, swollen stomach and so on. I went back to the hospital and I was told it has become chronic with liver problem, and out of frustration I went online to search for something new to try, and I came across Dr. IYABIYE's recommendation, I gave it a try hence it's a herbal medicine. And behold, I was cured after the treatment. I have to wait for months then went back to the hospital and still I was tested negative. You too will be cured. Contact: (Whatsapp: +2348072229413 or +2348158577300)

  53. 5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread... The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were' so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr onokun herbal cure, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it's now 2 years and some months I don't have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow"" it's great, Dr onokun has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr onokun for natural treatment.
    His email address:  

  54. HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover
    Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
    EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

    Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

  55. I'm so excited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of  Dr.Anuge who got me cured from herpes simplex virus (HSV1&2) with his herbs, I never thought that I would live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from herpes, I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for a way to get rid of this disease, the hospital has been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this fateful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how @Dr_anuge7 helped someone in curing his herpes disease using his healing Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, after I received his herbs and I took it as instructed. I was cured permanently from herpes. My herpes disease was gone. so I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God used a man to heal me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, people suffering from herpes, brain tumor, kidney disease, pcos, AIDS, ALS,copd, asthma, arthritis,herpes, Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can reach him now via Gmail address: or whatsapp  +2348164866838
